Green Solar International - Cyprus office
Green Solar International - Cyprus office.

Green Solar International is pleased to announce the successful establishment of our office in Cyprus, where we are actively advancing our first project, Dali & Gari. With our local presence, we are collaborating with experienced partners to drive the development of large-scale photovoltaic (PV) parks on the island.

Cyprus offers an ideal environment for renewable energy, with high solar irradiation and a growing focus on clean energy. As a reliable and skilled leader in the renewable energy sector, we are committed to contributing to the island’s ambitious renewable energy goals. Despite missing the EU’s 2020 RES target, Cyprus is focused on accelerating its transition to renewable energy, supported by the government’s strategic collaboration with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Green Solar International is well-positioned to play a key role in this transition, helping to meet Cyprus’s future energy needs.


View Point Tower, 261, 3035 Limassol, Cyprus.