Tailor-made solutions
Tailor-made solutions.

Our goal is to maximize the positive environmental impact of our projects while minimizing the aesthetic impact. We pay special attention to landscape integration and the social objectives of the communities. This requires creative and innovative solutions and, therefore, going beyond what has been known and done so far. In addition to the sustainability component, we also add value to the landscape, a sign that the energy transition can go hand in hand with nature and the community.

Ground structures.

We develop solar installations on agricultural land or industrial sites, taking into account aesthetics, biodiversity and functionality. We allow sheep to graze among the solar panels, make use of otherwise unusable land and design special solar solutions for parking lots and greenhouses.

Roof structures.

We design renewable solar solutions for roofs of agricultural buildings, warehouses or industrial buildings. In each and every one of these structures we use a different installation method, adjusting to each type of roof. We have developed a specific solution for the replacement of asbestos roofs, in which the asbestos roofs are removed to make room for a new roof with solar and heat pump installation. All without the owner having to make an initial investment.


In addition to ground and roof projects, we also design innovative solar applications. Each project requires different things, especially special cases such as reservoirs, floating solar installations, greenhouses or asbestos roofs. The application of solar photovoltaics in greenhouses is our latest work in this field and has so far shown great potential.